Published in the Boulder Daily Camera September 4th, 2014.

A recent guest opinion in the Daily Camera urged that the “council should pause growth” while giving no attention to improvements the city should make to benefit the entire community and make our city more livable.

Boulder has a huge opportunity to address its current challenges — to make the portion east of 28th street as livable, walkable and bikeable as its western portion. To improve the existing arterial roads from moving the maximum amount of vehicles to using transit and adding value through mixed-use development. To enable more people to hike, bike, or run errands without needing to use a car. To reach a critical mass in being an innovative and creative center in the region by increasing urban housing and office space.

The strength of Boulder’s urban growth boundary must be coupled with the resolve to make our urban areas denser and more efficient in building a livable community.

Boulder must keep innovating to meet the changing demands of their residents and environment. We must continue to lead in developing a small yet robust urban form to complement the surrounding natural resources that our city enjoys.

Eric Budd