The City of Boulder has three short surveys out on key Better Boulder issues. Participate and Be Heard!

Large Homes and Lots – Survey #1

City Council and members of the community have expressed concerns about the growing size of single-family homes in Boulder and their impact to neighborhood character and how they may be inconsistent with city goals on protecting neighborhood character, obtaining more affordable housing options and encouraging more energy efficient development.

For more information please see the “Large Homes and Lots” handout, as well as the planning webpage.

Use Table and Standards Survey

The city is exploring adjustments to the zoning regulations to bring land uses (e.g., groceries, coffee shops, pharmacies, duplexes, live/work, gas stations etc.) more in alignment with the goals of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. As part of this, the city is looking for feedback about uses from people that live, work and visit Boulder.

For more information please see the “Use Table & Standards” handout, as well as the planning webpage

Community Benefit

There are six questions below and one viewshed mapping exercise under “Places” that we look forward to hearing your insight or perspective. Thanks for taking the time to share your input.