Better Boulder Policy Positions


Quality of Life

“Quality of life” is hard to quantify, but we know it when we see it. Boulder scores pretty well on the quality of life scale, but we face future challenges [...]



Parking rules buried in city land-use codes have surprisingly pernicious effects. Requirements that builders provide ample quotas of off-street [...]



In order get all of the benefits of evolving Boulder into a human scale urban environment, we must allow more people to live within the city. The [...]


Civic Vitality

Boulder is often considered to be defined by its relationship to the natural environment – its mountain backdrop, easy access to the open space [...]


Transportation/Land Use

Better Boulder recognizes that transportation infrastructure is but one element of a balanced transportation system. Bike lanes, [...]


Commercial Development

Boulder enjoys a thriving economy that is founded on a leading startup culture. Driving this point home was a recent article in Inc. Magazine crowning [...]


Urban Design Principles

Better Boulder believes the design of the City’s built environment is essential to establishing a high quality of life. Well-designed [...]


Urban Sustainability

A more urban Boulder can also be a much more sustainable Boulder, using less energy, water, and material resources per [...]


Boulder is Growing Up

After more than forty years of planning decisions and open space acquisition, it is clear that Boulder will not be sprawling outwards [...]