September 16, 2024

Dear Boulder County Commissioners,

Better Boulder respectfully opposes the proposed Moratorium. We believe that moratoriums are bad governance and should only be used in the most extreme circumstances. We do not see a legitimate need for one at the time. We are concerned that a moratorium does not provide due process to affected property-owners and will have significant negative consequences for them, as well as for the many local green, small businesses that work with them on their homes.

Should you proceed with a moratorium over the wide-spread public objections, we ask that you modify the County proposal to minimize the potential harm to affected property-owners and businesses. This includes delaying the start of any moratorium until the end of the year and guaranteeing a maximum moratorium period of three months. Additionally, make it clearer that submission of a Site Plan Review application prior to commencement of the proposed moratorium will subject the underlying project to review under all the rules and criteria present at the time of submittal.

Recently adopted statewide housing laws are encouraging land-use policies that can help people live in high-cost areas like Boulder County. Specifically, with the elimination of occupancy limits, larger homes now have a greater capacity for renters and multi-generational or non-conventional households. Shrinking houses will reduce the space for bedrooms and, thus, reduce the affordability and availability of equitable rental housing solutions.

We note that you also raise environmental concerns with respect to large houses. Yes, building a larger house can potentially result in embodied energy. However, in light of Boulder County’s strict energy-efficiency standards, new and remodeled homes in unincorporated property are leading the nation in new, resilient and innovative sustainability characteristics. The proposed moratorium will only extend the period that inefficient existing housing structures operate on prospective redevelopment sites.

While we understand the broader ecosystem and rural/agricultural character concerns are driving this effort, we feel that this would be a good time to have robust discussion about the more holistic questions of affordability and sustainability in Boulder County’s housing stock. Better Boulder would be happy to be part of that conversation. We have a number of specific thoughts that might help to creatively address some of the County’s goals. A few preliminary ideas include:

  • Allow ADUs county-wide. This will quickly lower the median dwelling unit size.
  • Lowering the threshold for the requirement of Transfer development Credits from 6,000sf. to 5,000 sf., enhancing the financial incentive for people to keep their homes smaller.
  • We have a desperate housing shortage in Boulder County. Consider opportunities for multi-dwelling unit configurations (duplexes, triplexes, co-ops, and permanently affordable pocket neighborhoods (ie. Habitat for Humanity projects)) in appropriate locations, that increase the availability of small, green, affordable homes.

Better Boulder looks forward to engaging with the County over the next several months as these zoning changes are developed to assure the best outcome for all of Boulder County’s residents. However, the low impact of having a few additional new and expanded homes during this analysis period does not warrant the severe damage you will cause to homeowners, small local businesses and our construction industry workforce. Please refrain from imposing a moratorium.

Better Boulder