September 12, 2024

Dear Mayor Brockett and Members of Council:

Better Boulder strongly supports Option B for Iris as part of Boulder’s commitment to the Core Arterial Network. This option is consistent with our vision of Boulder as a vibrant and connected community with safe, connected transportation options. Given that TAB unanimously approved Option B earlier this week, we encourage Council to not call it up for discussion at your meeting on the 19th. Public process on this project has already been extensive, it’s time to move forward with design and funding of this important project.

Option B will slow the speeding traffic which is dangerous to all users, including motor vehicles drivers. With an average of one crash per week, Iris is dangerous to all modes. Option B helps the city move closer to our climate and Vision Zero safety goals.

We understand neighbors’ concerns about cut-through traffic. While the proposed design for B will maintain the current configuration at the “bookends” intersections which, along with the center turning lane, should prevent delays from backed up traffic, we support traffic calming measures on the side streets so they do not become automobile cut-throughs. Those measures, along with the current more circuitous nature of those streets, will make taking the side streets considerably slower for automobiles than a 3 lane Iris.

We also appreciate the concern from emergency responders who favor option B (a two-way cycle track on the north side). While this configuration is not favored by all people who ride bicycles, we understand that it is a reasonable concession for emergency safety. 

We would also like to point to the necessity of protected bike lanes on Iris. While there are streets north and south of Iris that are currently used by bicyclists, these routes are considerably more circuitous, especially when accessing businesses on Iris, and the routes require bicyclists to cross several north/south streets at intersections without signals, creating safety concerns. Iris is by far the most direct route and one of the main benefits of the Iris project is that the intersections will be considerably safer for all modes. 

This council, unlike some previous councils, has continued to make the tough decisions to stand up for safety and to honor our adopted planning documents and policies. That is leadership. We will only achieve our climate and safety goals if we have the courage to make changes to our built environment.  We thank you for your clear leadership and we look forward to supporting you and the community.

Thanks so much,

Better Boulder